Friday, January 06, 2006

It's the Economy, Stupid

I got an email today from a woman who insisted that Democrats "take over high morals, family values from Republicans." We at the Party couldn't agree more that Democrats must stand up for moral and family values. However, I am quite sure that given what has happened in down in Washington over the last few months, (not to mention in some cities here in Massachusetts) you could hardly call the Republican Party "moral."
And one of the biggest moral and family-friendly things we can do, I would argue, is to ensure that people here have jobs that are fulfilling and that can provide families a decent living? But that's not happening under the current administration here in Massachusetts.
In the last 24 hours, we have lost 2,500 jobs at Fidelity and EMC Corp. That's on top of the jobs we lost during the last quarter of 2005. When are Governor Romney and Liutenant Governor Kerry going to realize that they have to start paying attention to businesses here. It's not enough to say we welcome business, we have to actually do it.


At 12:26 PM, January 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it is the economy. Thanks for keeping us focused on that. As Reilly learned this week chest thumping on issues like teen drinking (important as it may be) is really the lazy way to attract voters. And when deeds don't match the rhetoric it will bite you big time.

Reilly is clearly not ready for prime time. Yet his mantra has been that he is electable.

Looks to me like Deval is wearing the electability mantle now. He's running a smart, issue oriented campaign and he deserves the nomination.

At 1:29 AM, January 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reilly has shown himself to be just another pol. Say what you will about Healy, but she projects a freshness (not desrved, but never the less) that Patrick can trump. Reilly is yesterday's news and the ticket to another losing November. Patrick connects with people. Reilly will live down the Murphy/Davis imbroglio, but he can't escape the good old boy image. Patrick is a winner, and will win in November.


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