Wednesday, August 03, 2005

On-going on Republican candidates

Interesting thoughts on who might run for governor on the Republican side. I tend to agree with everyone that Mitt is out the door -- but not before his term is up. We have him caught too many times in print saying he would never be one of the governors (Republican) who leave mid-stream. Kerry Healey is determined to run for the top job, we know, and her access to Mitt-type of the money is a compelling argument for the Republican Party to support her. But . . . is she their strongest candidate? They must surely be polling now to see who their best candidate would be -- and I wouldn't be shocked to see Kerry Healey near the bottom of the pile. Remember, she's the state house insider now. Charlie Baker is an unknown and I'm not sure how the electorate would view a chief executive of an HMO -- not sure that's the most popular choice they could make. Can a selectman from Swampscott make the leap to governor? A long shot at best. Andy Card -- now that would be interesting, but once again, the Republicans would be forced to import a guy who hasn't really been involved in this state for many years --all because they won't take a chance on a woman. What about renegade Christy Mihos, the man who blew the whistle on the Big Dig? He's got lots of money, he attractive and he's a moderate.


At 3:33 PM, August 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Healey is a weak candidate - Dems should all contribute to her primary campaign. Baker would be tougher, IMHO - he may be largely unknown outside Beacon Hill, but he's got charisma, he knows a lot about health care, and he's got a lot of people in state gov't who think he's brilliant. Andy Card is going to be sitting pretty in DC once Rove is indicted, so he's not going anywhere. Mihos is a loose cannon and I doubt he'd make a credible candidate - he's spent most of the last several years suing former elected officials and taking settlements funded by the taxpayers - not exactly the best resume for someone who would presumably run as a guardian of the public fisc.

At 2:15 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger sco said...

The last I heard, Mihos wanted to run for John Kerry's Senate seat, though if he wanted to raise his profile for 2008, he might want to dip his toe in the water for 2006.

At 2:45 PM, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But what about Democratic gubenatorial candidates? Anyone notice Capuano on the State House News poll?

At 10:51 AM, August 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you might be right about Andy Card. With only two years left at the White House; now would be an opportinity for him to make another run. After all can they really trust Muffy to take the election.

At 3:45 AM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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