Thursday, April 20, 2006

More of the same- Mr. Jobs is MIA

More residents lost jobs; More residents left the state; More denial from the Romney-Healey administration. The latest job numbers were released today, showing that 2,400 more Bay Staters were out of work in March. For the second month in a row, the state unemployment rate has surpassed that of the nation.
To add insult to injury, the Globe has a piece on the front page today in which the US Census Bureau finds that Massachusetts lost more residents than it attracted in the first four years of this century at an average rate of 42,402 people a year. We lost more people than any other state, with the exception of New York. To say this is unacceptable would be an understatment. How many more people will lose their jobs and head out of here before we install a Democratic governor who is really committed to making this state better?


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