Monday, August 15, 2005

More on potential candidates

So now we have Kerry Healey hiring a battery of Washington consultants -- gearing up in advance of Romney's autumn announcement. No surprise there. I guess the only question for the GOP is whether Charlie Baker has enough time to raise money and get a campaign off the ground. It will be very tough against the $46 million candidate. And we all know how much the Republicans detest a primary.

Regarding Congressman Capuano, I believe he has said on many different occasions that he is not going to run for governor. He has done nothing to indicate otherwise and seems to be very busy talking about national issues -- much like our current governor! I thyink he'd make a terrific candidate, but I think he's going to sit this one out.

Just curious about potential Lt. Gov. candidates -- I'm thinking someone like Sen. Scott Brown -- so he and Kerry Healey can be another 'Barbie and Ken' duo much like Mitt and Muffy Healey.


At 9:27 AM, August 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do you think Deval Patrick is?

At 10:01 AM, August 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deval has serious momentum to go with a serious vision and serious talent.

You have to think the Party will sit it out. Reilly just looks awful up against a Baker or Healy. He is such a snoozer...

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At 6:37 PM, October 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Democrat thru and thru, but I will not vote for a person just because they are in the Democratic Party. I will vote for the person who best exemplifies Democratic ideals and sadly that is not always the Democratic candidate. Whether you are counting Republicans, Dems or any other party my vote goes to Deval Patrick as by far the best candidate. I spoke with a women from Georgia who worked for Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. She had been a member of the Georgia Black Leadership Council when Deval was Clinton’s Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. She said” You do not know how luck you are”. She went on to say, “Do not mistake his political inexperience as a weakness. He is so intelligent & perceptive that he knows things are going to happen before they do”. I agree we are very lucky.


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