Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yet Another Reason Kerry Healey is Unqualified

As working families find it increasingly difficult to afford to live and work in Massachusetts, newly released Census data shows that the state has created housing at a significantly slower pace than nearly every other state in the country.

According to the Census figures, Massachusetts saw a meager 0.6 percent increase in new housing between July 2004 and July 2005. The rest of the country, by comparison, saw a 1.5 percent increase.

In 2003, Kerry Healey and the administration pledged to double single-family housing starts, a promise that remains unfulfilled today.

“With rising home prices, soaring property taxes, and the paltry addition of new, affordable homes, it’s no wonder hundreds of thousands of residents are fleeing Massachusetts,” Massachusetts Democratic Party spokeswoman Cyndi Roy said.

Kerry Healey has had nearly four years to implement policies that help people live, work, and raise families here, and she has failed. If she couldn’t get the job after four years, we certainly should not expect her to get it done in another four. Kerry Healey proves again that she is not qualified to be governor.”


At 10:37 AM, August 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the Democrats to raise taxes again, that'll sure stem the tide of people fleeing the of state! Keep up the good work Cyndi.

At 12:19 PM, August 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if we could only get more people working for the Mass Pike, then they would be able to afford any housing. look what it did for Matt Amorello, he can afford to live anywhere now that he and his cronies are taking that extra money for their retirement.

At 12:50 PM, August 22, 2006, Blogger dweir said...

I'm unenrolled, but up until last year, I was a registered Democrat. Several members of my family have moved out of MA in the last few years because of high property taxes and mediocre/poor schools. So, this topic hits home for me. That said, I'm voting for Healey. It wasn't housing costs that drove my family away, it was taxes. And it was taxes, in part, because of rapid housing growth since the late 1980s.

Housing is driven by the market and controlled by local planning boards. I'm not sure how much blame can be placed at the Governor's office when legislative control is in the hands of the Democratically controlled house and senate. That said, I think the Romney-Healy adminstration have done an excellent job at balancing our long-standing affinity for local control, with the large-scale economic needs of retaining an attractive workforce.

Many communities around Lowell, and I'm sure other parts of the state, have bemoaned 1969 law, 40B, which basically allows developers to circumvent local bylaws and build large amounts of housing. The infrastructure and services consumed by new residences often outpaces the tax revenue generated. The Romney-Healy adminstration was the first in over 35 years to address this problem. Planning in the state has been rejuvinated via the OCD through Smart Growth initiatives which are starting to bring MA's planning practices up to modern day standards. An example of cooperative effort and leadership, in 2004 Chapter 40R legislation, was adopted. An alternative to 40B, 40R would allow communities to recoup some of the additional expenses of schools and other growth-related items.

Of the Dem candidates, only Patrick has an issue paper on housing. His plans are ambitious, bordering on unattainable and perhaps even undesireable. For example, he wants to "promote the development of starter homes with employer assistance". Well, business won't jump into a program like that without some incentive, and Patrick leaves that part of the equation out. Will it be tax breaks, and if so, who will pick up the slack for what is lost from state coffers? In general, his policy focuses on benefits to individuals, and in general, I believe that is unsound policy as it creates an entitlement class and a donor class.

While Patrick's desire to build housing near public transit is worthwhile, anyone who has taken a commuter rail knows that the trains are already full. The rate of growth that Patrick waxes on about would strain the system further. You cannot create a socialistic state, especially one with competing interests, and expect it to flourish.

I would much prefer to continue with Smart Growth initiatives as laid out by the Romney-Healey administration. It has taken time for communities and developers to come up to speed on the new legislation, but we are starting to see a few take these projects on. If they are successful, and I predict they will be, then more will follow. What we don't want is continued rapid development of housing that far outpaces the building of schools, staffing of police departments, or expansion of mass transit.

I'll agree with you that Healey hasn't done as well at getting her message out, but this doesn't mean she doesn't have a record to run on. Go Kerry!

At 9:19 AM, August 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great comments

At 10:12 AM, August 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, Massachusetts thanks to DEMOCRATS who have had firm control of BOTH Houses for well over a decade is a great place to live and do business. If you set aside the state %5.35 Income tax,State %5 Sales Tax, legislature trying to give free tuition to Illegals, high housing costs, high rents, excise taxes, tolls, fees, highest car insurance of all 50 states, high property taxes, the Big Dig over runs, rude people, traffic, etc - Massachuestts thanks to its Liberal Democrats is a wonderful place to live and work. The people who have left just have seemed to overlook how great this Blue State is.

All the Democratic candidates are AGAINST LOWERING the taxes to the %5 WE VOTED FOR! Thats a good thing. People want to move to states where they can be taxed up the @ss for social programs. We need more taxes here since I for one feel I am not paying eough.

Vote Democrat in 2006.

At 2:43 PM, August 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabrieli came out with a whole brain storm of how to lower taxes and it got good reviews. So how can you say that all Democrats are against lowering taxes. As far as illegals getting free tuition, the only democrat to come out with anything close was Duval patrick when he said he wants to give illegals tax free tuition, drivers licens and free housing, and I agree that is insane and makes me sick. So terrorists get a tax break and I dont, (not saying that all illegals are terrorists). Gabrieli said he wants to make college tuitions and student loans tax deductable, illegals dont file taxes so it only counts for us and only us. Romney and Healy are not your poster child republicans, they are a joke. This is coming from a Republican that changed his party because of them. My vote is with Gabs baby!!!

At 10:13 AM, August 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabrieli came out with a whole brain storm of how to lower taxes and it got good reviews. So how can you say that all Democrats are against lowering taxes.
Huh? Who said all?

Please show us ANY evidence the %87 Liberal Democrats who hold ALL the power will pass legislation to lower taxes?

And note how Chris idiotic plan is "gradual". Either lower the friggin taxes to %5 or dont. Stop playing games. People continue to leave this hell-hole and the Democrats stil ldont get it.

At 10:18 AM, August 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got an idea to help those who cant afford to buy a home!

Why dont all you Limo Liberals stop asking such high prices for YOUR homes when YOU go to sell. I mean cmon- $370,000 for tiny one bedroom condos in Cambridge? Why dont you stop the do as I say not as I do crap ? How about you landlords ? Why not LOWER the rents?

So funny how when a Liberal goes to sell T H E I R house they act as greedy as Halliburton and seem to "forget" about affordable housing. Its the "other" guy who should make houses affordable.

Typical Democrats. BTW - Al Gore Mr Conservation owns THREE HUGE houses. Typical.....do as I say...

At 9:40 AM, August 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog doesn't advance any discussion of issues other than bash the other guy/gal. Good going Dems, fine leadership here, keep up the good work Cindi.

At 10:42 AM, August 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog doesn't advance any discussion of issues other than bash the other guy/gal. Good going Dems, fine leadership here, keep up the good work Cindi.

Good point. You are smart to be leaving. I ( and many of my other associtates in high tech) are moving to NC. We have had enough of this one party state, taxes, high housing costs, high insurance rates, etc. The blame Mitt crap is getting old.

At 9:03 PM, August 28, 2006, Blogger mdhatter said...

excellent, see you later defeatists.

At 2:29 AM, August 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on so what your saying is that someone should sell thier home and not try to get as much money as they can for it . Are you kidding me, to ask that you seem like the liberal one. Thats the whole point of selling your house to make money. You must be a republican, see it is the republicans fault, they dont know how to make money aparently. Why should I help those that cant afford to buy a home knowbody helped me and I didnt go to college and come a lower middle class family. I struggle myself, I'm 28 years ols and on my second house. Its called responsability, make it happen if you want it that bad. Both me and my wife work full time and do alot of overtime, but we think its worth it.


At 12:17 PM, September 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what your saying is nonliberal people sell thier houses cheaper, that makes no sense. I'm not a liberal by any stretch, but I want every dollar for my house. Thats why they call a house an investment. You must be a Healy supporter,see if she will sell you her house for a price that is resonably affordable for you.I agree with the above post. Gabbs is the man

At 12:57 PM, September 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

huh? What I am saying is if ANYONE who claims they are so FOR affordable housing then THEY THEMSELVES shoudl sell THEIR OWN house at a price that most working families can afford - otherwise stfu.

Just as Al Gore needs to shut up about telling US to conserve while this Liberal jackass owns 3 houses!

At 12:38 AM, September 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They probably did not buy there house for a price that a normal person can afford. But just because someone is more fortunate than me financialy doesn't mean they are a bad person and are the cause of a bad econemy. I dont think they are under or above me. I'm happy with what I have, an average house, a lovely wife, good friends and transportation to go back and forth to work and if my situation can get better because of a Govorner thats got ideas and can get results then I'll vote for him. I just dont feel healy has got that covered. The housing market does suck but you over come and accomplish and do your best to earn it if that is what you want, but dont blame it on the people that are selling for high pricess, blame it on the suckers buying them. THE GOVORNERS OFFICE IS UP FOR GRABBS!! WHOS GONNA TAKE IT, MY MAN GABBS.

At 8:10 PM, September 12, 2006, Blogger Short Stories said...

Doesn't Kerry Healey doesn't have any supporters here?

At 10:58 PM, September 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO Deval Patrick he is the ONLY Democrat who can beat Healey. Why?

Democrats never seem to learn that you don't beat Republicans by being Republican Lite. Healey already has the diehards on the tax cut issue sewn up. The Reilly/Gabrieli metooism only seems cloying and opportunistic. Voters see through that in a minute. It will be a breath of fresh air to have a Democrat from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party in the race.

Given a choice between Republican and Republican Lite, who would you choose? Given a choice between a Republican frantically tacking to the left trying to distance herself from her predecessor's record and a True Blue Democrat Patrick wins, if for no other reason than that he is the real thing.

At 3:54 PM, September 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah like deval is better he wants to raise taxes and wants to give aliens drivers licenses. He doesn't know anything and will run this screwed up state even more into the ground.

At 2:38 PM, October 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all these illegalls should have the free housing that Patrick builds for them, (and he will build them)Built in the towns that have the largest percentage of support for him. Like wellesley for example. They have the space and the agreement on his ideas.I see alot of Patrick signes in that town.

At 3:24 PM, October 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would someone please explain how Patrick will give illegals drivers licenses and free tuition.

At 12:22 AM, October 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are one of the families who left Mass. It was not easy to leave everyone we knew, but it was just too darn expensive to stay. I stay at home with three kids, and my husband worked a lot. We could barely afford rent and food. We wanted a house, but we couldn't even afford a condo. We worked out every scenario we could have, including me going to work outside the home. No matter what we did it wouldn't work. Even if we both worked long hours and could afford a condo, we would have to continue working long hours and would never be home to enjoy it, and I haven't even mentioned the effects that would have on our marriage and children. I still say Mass. is the last state in the US you would want to raise your kids.


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